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Street & Traffic

Streets is to provide a safe, clean, convenient and aesthetically pleasing means of conveying both pedestrian and vehicular traffic in and around the City, and to enhance and protect the community’s investment in the transportation system.

Maintenance is provided for approximately 34.85 miles of streets associated curb, gutter, and sidewalk facilities. This includes street patching and seal coating.

An Encroachment Permit is required if you will be doing work that affects the street, curb, gutter, and/or sidewalk.

Street Sweeping

Beginning July 2013, Gilton Solid Waste Management Inc. will be performing street sweeping services for the City of Escalon. Questions or concerns related to the service can be directed to Gilton’s customer service at 209-527-3781.

The Street Sweeping schedule is as follows:

  • January-September: Streets will be swept twice a month (1st and 3rdweek) on either Tuesday or Wednesday
  • October-December: Streets will be swept every week on either Tuesday or Wednesday

To see what day of the week your street is swept, please click on link below.

Street Sweeping Map